How to Hide Porn

The best way to hide porn

If you're reading this then you are probably wondering how to hide your porn collection of pictures and videos from your wife or girlfriend. The task itself can be done so many ways that there really isn't one answer that works for everyone since circumstances vary.

Many women react to a man's need and desire for porn as personal insult to their attractiveness and sexuality but that's another story, you can read more about that here. Taking the time to save your porn in the cloud works great for lots of guys around the world. Not every guy has a private man cave or separate office to keep their stash safe. With your porn hidden in the cloud, if she can't find doesn't exist. End of story.

If you have your porn saved on multiple devices, sd cards or hard drives you risk that she will eventually find it. It makes most sense to consolidate your collection to reduce the chances of that happening. If you're old school and still have the shoe box put away, do yourself a favor and at least hide it where she rarely looks.

However you decide to hide your porn, make sure you take precautions so she can't find it by accident. It should take her a lot of effort to stumble across your favorite porn videos and pics. That way if she does find it you can turn the tables and accuse her of snooping which was much worse.

Sign up for your free account and after a few days of using it, you'll see just how easy it can be to hide your porn.

When you're browsing the web for porn make sure you enable the private browsing mode. It prevents any new browsing history from being saved and keeps the "proof" out of the address bar box. If you didn't know about the private browsing mode and your address bar already has a list of sites you want to hide you might not want to erase your full history as that would draw suspicion, instead clear your most recent history for the past hour or so.

The steps to use private browsing can be found here and steps to clear your most recent web history here